

Osteopathy is a form of natural medicine that treats your body as a single functioning unit. It is a branch of alternative medicine that is non-invasive and promotes healing in ways that traditional Western medicine does not. Osteopathy assesses and treats the movement restrictions in your body tissues that prevent you from being healthy and fit. It is unique because it focuses on the root cause of pain and dysfunction rather than simply masking symptoms. Often Western medicine focuses on treating these symptoms but does not address the true source of the ailment. Osteopathy encourages the body to heal itself and rely less on medication. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners look at the connections between the whole body and the interactions between muscles, bones and organs. The goal of osteopathy is to re-align your body to create a better environment for self healing and to restore balance within the entire body through hands-on treatment.

Initial appointments will last approximately one hour and subsequent treatments will vary depending on your needs.

To learn more, visit www.osteopathyontario.org

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