Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all of our physiotherapists, massage therapists, acupuncturist, osteopathic manual practitioner and chiropractor are board certified and registered with their respective Ontario colleges.

FCAMPT stands for ‘Fellows of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy’.  FCAMPT Certified physiotherapists have completed post-graduate education and attained internationally-recognized qualification in hands-on therapy. It is the highest designation for manual therapy. 

Your initial assessment will last up to 1 hour, while regular subsequent visits are up to 45 minutes, and extended subsequent treatments are up to 1 hour.

Recovery times vary for each individual. It depends on the severity of your injury, the type of work you do, your medical history and other physical, social, and emotional factors. Your therapist will provide you with more details regarding your progress and how many times a week you should attend.

For the initial assessment and subsequent visits, you should wear attire that is comfortable. Depending on the area of injury, you should wear something to expose the treatment area. This may include wearing or bringing loose fitting pants, shorts or t-shirt.

Yes, depending on the recommendations of your physiotherapist and/or massage therapist.

Physiotherapists and Chiropractors can dispense orthotics; however, some insurance companies may specify which health provider can dispense the orthotics.

A doctor must first prescribe and indicate the level of compression that you require in order for our Physiotherapist to measure and complete the process. Please note that only compression levels above 20mmHg are covered by insurance.

Yes, we do. If we are able, we will gladly bill on your behalf. However, not all insurances allow direct billings/ payments so you are responsible to pay after each visit. We will provide you with an invoice with all necessary information required to submit for your reimbursement.

No, a doctor’s referral is not required for a therapist to assess and treat you; however, some insurance companies and policies require a referral to process you claims. Please check with your insurance provider or we can do it for you at your first visit.

We accept the following payments: Extended Health Care (EHC), Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA), Worker’s Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Private (out of pocket), Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) and Veteran’s Affairs Canada (VAC).